
GETSOME PRODUCTS, manufacturer of GETSOME 1000, GETSOME XTREME & BATTERYADE is proud to offer a group of high quality products made in America.

Our products are designed with superior ingredients to stand up to the toughest test and to exceed the needs and expectations of our toughest customers. We would like to thank our loyal customers for their trust in our products.  If you have not tried GETSOME PRODUCTS, then we ask you to GETSOME and put them to the test.

You WILL be satisfied.  We guarantee it.



  • GETSOME works very well. I have a maintenance day on Sunday and used GETSOME all over the place on my gear and the boat. Had a few reels that were sticking. It loosened them right up as well.

    Capt. Billy Barton/Scales N’ Tails Charters
  • We depend on GETSOME 1000 to keep our Accurate reels and fishing gear in top shape and ready to battle monster tuna.

    Capt Keith & Crew of the MAXIMUS Sportfishing
  • I use GETSOME 1000 on all my gear… Keeping it tip top shape and I fish my shit hard! Nothing better! Haven’t serviced my reels in over a year thanks to GS1000…DOPE SAUCE!

    Erika Brandt
  • Use GETSOME 1000 on you trolling motor & Electrical connections. We love GETSOME 1000 and don’t leave shore without it.

    Matt Moyer
  • I use GETSOME 1000 to clean, lubricate and protect my weapons. GETSOME 1000 works like a champ.

    Brad from GAFF Magazine
  • I have been a full time professional charter captain for 20 years now. I can’t brag enough about GETSOME 1000! Running weel over 350 charters a year in the Extreme Saltwater environment is very tough on all my equipment! GETSOME 1000 keeps all my stuff Protected & working the way it should when nothing else can do the job! GETSOME is a “MUST HAVE” for any angler especially in the salt water!!!

    Captain Rhett Morris
  • When it comes to servicing my reels & my friends reels there is only one oil I use, GETSOME 1000, it is the bees knees when it comes to lubing and protecting fishing gear.

    Ryan Kyle
  • GETSOME 1000…

    The Best Ever!

    Erika Brandt
  • Using the Getsome lubricant on my SG kept all the parts working smoothly to land this 19lb lingcod.

    GETSOME 1000 is the best I have used.

    Treve Alan Bartlett
  • GETSOME 1000 this stuff is AWESOME. I use it on my fishing gear and my prosthetic leg and brace. I have tried all other lubricants and there is nothing better on the market than GETSOME 1000. it does not stain my clothes or irritate my skin.

    Steven Philliips