• Available in different sizes including:

    2 oz Needle Bottle(2N)
    2 oz Screw Top(2F)
    4 oz Needle Bottle(4N)
    4 oz Pump Spray(4P)
    5 oz Aerosol (GS-5A)
    11 oz Aerosol(11A)
    1 Gallon(1G)
    5 Gallon(5G)
    55 Gallon(5G)

  • GETSOME1000 Applications & Uses

  • Our Products

  • Fishing

    • Erika Brandt
      GETSOME 1000...

      The Best Ever!
    • Erika Brandt
      I use GETSOME 1000 on all my gear... Keeping it tip top shape and I fish my shit hard! Nothing better! Haven't serviced my reels in over a year thanks to GS1000...DOPE SAUCE!
    • Steven Phillips
      Getting the leg ready for another day in the Florida salty air.  I Use GETSOME 1000- it  last longer, does not stain my clothes, and does not smell.  I use it on everything- my prosthetic leg, fishing reels/tackle and guns too.
    • Capt Dan Latham
      If your not using GETSOME 1000 on your tackle your need to! This stuff saves me a ton of time and money.  Just spray your used plugs at the end of the day and throw them back in the box. No more rusty hooks that you have to replace,no more rusty tackle box and it won't harm your plugs finish. I even use it in my fly box and to clean my fly lines.
    • Mallary Herzog
      Rainy day reel maintenance. ‪#‎GETSOME‬ lube to keep those Penn Reels running smooth.
    • Capt. Billy Barton/Scales N’ Tails Charters
      GETSOME works very well. I have a maintenance day on Sunday and used GETSOME all over the place on my gear and the boat. Had a few reels that were sticking. It loosened them right up as well.
    • Forest Burke
      Thank you for allowing me to use a great product such as GETSOME to keep my reel in top performing shape to fight fish like these.
    • Matt Moyer
      Use GETSOME 1000 on you trolling motor & Electrical connections. We love GETSOME 1000 and don't leave shore without it.
    • Ryan Kyle
      When it comes to servicing my reels & my friends reels there is only one oil I use, GETSOME 1000, it is the bees knees when it comes to lubing and protecting fishing gear.
    • Ryan Kyle
      I've been servicing reels for a couple of years now with GETSOME 1000 and this is the best oil I've used, most of my reels free spool for well over a minute now. All honesty, this is the best product to service you're reels with, and it does not dry up in a couple days. I'm pretty sure it is made of leprechaun sweat or something cause this stuff is magic.
    • Treve Alan Bartlett
      Using the Getsome lubricant on my SG kept all the parts working smoothly to land this 19lb lingcod.

      GETSOME 1000 is the best I have used.
    • Capt Keith & Crew of the MAXIMUS Sportfishing
      We depend on GETSOME 1000 to keep our Accurate reels and fishing gear in top shape and ready to battle monster tuna.
    • Robert AVETMAN Meyer
      I use GETSOME 1000 to insure I AM READY FOR BATTLE!
    • Capt Mat Haag
      Everybody!! GETSOME 1000 is the only lubricant you will ever need. Go GETSOME!!!
    • Captain Rhett Morris
      I have been a full time professional charter captain for 20 years now. I can't brag enough about GETSOME 1000! Running weel over 350 charters a year in the Extreme Saltwater environment is very tough on all my equipment! GETSOME 1000 keeps all my stuff Protected & working the way it should when nothing else can do the job! GETSOME is a "MUST HAVE" for any angler especially in the salt water!!!
    • Steven Philliips
      GETSOME 1000 this stuff is AWESOME. I use it on my fishing gear and my prosthetic leg and brace. I have tried all other lubricants and there is nothing better on the market than GETSOME 1000. it does not stain my clothes or irritate my skin.


    The GETSOME 1000 anti-corrosion, anti-moisture lubricant is the best care and maintenance lubricant you could possibly use on all your fishing reels and tackle.

    GETSOME 1000 will keep your fishing reels in very good working order, free from salt corrosion and well lubricated. GETSOME 1000 is very good for flushing sand and salt water out of gears and all those hard to get at places on fishing reels. GETSOME 1000 will not harm fishing lines or any of the coatings or plastics on reels. GETSOME 1000 doesn’t gum up or become gooey… GETSOME 1000 DOES NOT DRY OUT OR WASH OFF WITH WATER!


    For years of faithful service from your reels, whether you are have a small bait cast reel to the most expensive game fishing reel, only GETSOME 1000 will keep them serviced and maintained in first class working order and protected from corrosion in storage in the off season. GETSOME 1000 will not harm fiberglass or rod varnishes. Use GETSOME 1000 to keep your rods clean and reel clamps, runners and rod guides, tips and rollers lubricated and free from corrosion.





    GETSOME 1000 is safe to use around all your tackle. Spray it on hooks, swivels, knives and on any of your fishing gear that needs protection from rust or salt corrosion. Keeps them looking good and usable for many years. Spray GETSOME 1000 directly into your tackle box to protect lures.   GETSOME 1000 will not harm the finishes on your lures and will keep the plastic baits looking like new.FLY LINE DRESSING- Use GETSOME 1000 as a fly line dressing.   Spray lightly into a cloth or rag.   Pull the fly line through the rag as you squeeze the line as you reel it back onto the fly reel.  GETSOME 1000 will clean the line and coat it allowing you to cast farther and help protect the line from drying out between uses.   GETSOME 1000 contains no silicon, petroleum or acids.

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    Use GETSOME 1000 on your filet knives, crimping tools, files, pliers and any fishing equipment to keep it corrosion free and protected from the salt and moisture.   GETSOME 1000 will not affect braid, mono or fly fishing line.    







    ROBERT MEYER,  “AVET MAN” put GETSOME 1000 to the test on Fishing Plyers that were Rusted Shut.   GETSOME OF THAT!